I just read an article in the newspaper about the possibility of another rate increase of 20% from American Water. After reading the article it makes one wonder why such a substantial increase especially since we have seen rate hikes 4x since 2004. If this is approved we are looking at an increase that will top 73%. Recently, we just received in the mail a petition from our county freeholders, requesting another round of public hearings. The reason is not just to say no to an increase, it’s about the process that they can slip this quietly past those who pay the bill.
As we strive in our communities in becoming more conscious of our environment, hence the sustainable municipalities and sustainablejersey, we do our best to conserve water. Most of us are aware of environmental issues. If this increase occurs, then we need to be even more conscious of the water we use and what it’s being used for.
Very few people understand that 40-60% of water usage is in outdoor irrigation. If you have an irrigation system are you making sure it is properly maintained, no leaking heads, etc. Are you allowing your licensed irrigation contractor to inspect each head, replace it and keeping you up to date on the latest technology, especially with the manufacturers producing much more water efficient products than ever before.
Having a sprinkler system can save as much as 15-30% in your water bill, other than watering a lawn with a garden hose, but that system needs to be maintained, along with a proper water scheduling for your type of property. Furthermore, a healthy lawn can help reduce the leaching process of nitrogen and phosphorus into our waterways and that would mean less work for the water company to have to remove said pollutants.